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2nd Grade

Welcome to Second Grade!

Marylinn Fleming is our teacher for Second Grade at St. Joseph of Cupertino School.

Marylinn Fleming is a wife, mother, grandmother, life-long practicing Catholic, and an enthusiastic and experienced educator. Mrs. Fleming joins St. Joseph of Cupertino from St. Lawrence Elementary and Middle School (Santa Clara), where she had been the second grade teacher since 2013 and the Summer School Principal prior to Covid. Mrs. Fleming joined the Diocese of San Jose in 2010 after relocating from Los Angeles. Marylinn taught elementary grades in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles from 1994-2009. Mrs. Fleming has many interests including sports, singing and dancing, cooking, and being with family. Her interest in sports increased significantly after meeting her husband’s family which included many college, Olympic, and professional athletes. Her commitment to sports reached new levels after her children were born as Mrs. Fleming attended hundreds of basketball, baseball, soccer & softball games; not to mention many, many dance recitals. Marylinn is also an avid SF Giants and Golden State Warriors fan. Mrs. Fleming loves being with her children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews but her favorite companion is Finn. Finn, an 18 month old Bernedoodle, enjoys his long morning walks with his favorite two-legged friend (Mrs. Fleming).


Language Arts:

        The 2nd grade program focuses on building and strengthening solid literary skills including phonics, spelling, writing, English grammar, reading, and handwriting. We offer a variety of learning opportunities to follow the California Common Core including the use of the Raz-Kids and Reading A-Z programs, whole group lessons, listening to a variety of stories, poetry, and small group intensive lessons for more individualized attention. We utilize daily writing lessons and the Step Up to Writing program to become fluent writers. We integrate the use of iPads by using LexiaCore 5 Adaptive Reading Program twice a week. Neat handwriting practice is a goal early in the year with the introduction of cursive handwriting toward the later part of the year. 


        Students learn to represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction, work with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication, and gain a solid understanding of place value in order to add and subtract. Students also measure and estimate lengths in standard units, work with time and money, represent and interpret data, and reason with shapes and their attributes. Our math program follows the California Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. An additional teacher works with small groups twice a week to support students at varying skill levels. We integrate the use of iPads by using DreamBox adaptive math program 3 times a week.


         Second Grade religion program prepares the children to celebrate the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. The overarching theme for the year is that Jesus shows us His Father’s love through the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. 

Science/Science Lab:

      We use Mystery Science Curriculum, which is aligned to the NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards). Students use an inquiry-based process to focus on exploring, explaining, and evaluating the three major categories of science: Life (plant and animal life cycles), Earth (Earth’s materials and past), and Physical (objects in motion and forces at work). The students participate in weekly, hands-on science experiments in the lab.

Social Studies:

         Students in 2nd grade study their communities and the world around them. They look at the differences between life today and of long ago, demonstrate map skills, understand governmental institutions and practices in the U.S., demonstrate basic economic reasoning skills, and explain how heroes from long ago and the recent past have made a difference in the world.


           Technology is fully integrated into all areas of the curriculum. iPads are incorporated into the Math and Reading curriculum. In lab time, classes focus on proper keyboarding via Type to Learn, development of word processing, and slideshow/presentation via KidPix. They also use Photoshop for basic graphic arts projects. iPads are incorporated into the Math and Reading curriculum done in the classroom.

Fine Arts:

          Music and Fine Arts classes are offered once a week led by our Fine Arts Director. Focus is on liturgical music, preparation for the Advent Prayer Service, and performing the class level play, Character Matters (the class level year-end performance). 


          Weekly classes introduce basic art terms with a focus on the elements of art. Students are exposed to a variety of media while continuing to improve fine motor skills.

Physical Education:

         Children participate in Physical Education one hour every week, developing age appropriate basic movement skills, emphasizing team building opportunities, practicing sportsmanship, and learning how to be fit and healthy! 


          Our main focus is getting the students used to the sounds in Spanish. We do this mainly through songs and games.


         Time is afforded once a week to enjoy time in the library to listen to stories read aloud by our devoted librarian, and to check out books.


St. Joseph of Cupertino School was recognized by The San Jose Mercury News

as Best Catholic School in Silicon Valley

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